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Work place pensions

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Individual Savings Accounts (ISA's)

Tax efficient investing

ISA's are statutary investment plans which replaced the Personal Equity Plan and Tax Excempt Special Savings Accounts (TESSA's) in 1999. They enable individuals, of UK resident status, to invest taxed income in cash, stocks and shares without having to pay income or capital gains tax on investment returns.

Annual limits are imposed on the amount that can be placed in ISA's but are reviewed annually by the Exchequer.

There are two types of ISA available,

  • Cash ISA.

    Similar to s standard savings account but without the burden of income tax on the interest payments.

  • Stocks and shares ISA

    Your investment must be made into a qualifying investment. Any income will not be subject to income tax and there will be no capital gains tax burden on withdrawal.

Every year you are permitted to invest upto the limit set for that tax year, so you are able to build on your investment from previous years and without the burden of tax applied to investments made outside of an ISA wrapper.

To find out whether you qualify and what this tax years investment limits are, call us on 0800 634 4846 and we will be happy to help.