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Auto Enrolment

Work place pensions

Check to see if
this affects YOU


How much do you need to put into a pension?

Do some sums!

Introduction to Auto Enrolment

Helping you fulfill your statutory requirements under Auto Enrolment

We at All counties Financial Ltd have been preparing for Auto Enrolment for the last 2 years. We have the experience and level of understanding that will help you to meet the new reporting requirements that have been placed upon you with the introduction of Auto Enrolment.

We are sure in thinking that the administration burden placed upon you as a business with the introduction of Auto Enrolment is time consuming, complex and challenging. We are working with business owners and administration staff on either a consultancy basis or support network to ensure you fulfil your new regulatory requirements to the ‘The Pensions Regulator’ (TPR), help communicate to the work force what options they have and help you the business owners provide the correct pension scheme for your employees if they choose to auto enrol.

We want to provide you with the option of All Counties Financial Ltd reporting and maintaining your company pension scheme and all of its reporting requirements now and in the future (everybody who is opted out will be opted back in in 3 year time) or train your staff to ensure they are up to speed and able to run the scheme on your behalf.

There are 33 new mandatory responsibilities for an employer and these are spread across 5 main headings,-

  • Access Work Force
  • Communicate with Employees
  • Data management- paying contributions and integration with pension provider
  • Choose a scheme
  • Record keeping. (It is also a legal requirement for employers to keep 6 years records on the action taken with Auto Enrolment)

We are working closely with local companies who have between 3 to 500 employees. We can provide an outsourcing service that can be run from your premises or our business office and will ensure that all your needs are met.

If you choose to do nothing...

The reporting to TPR is a legal requirement on you as a business owner and failure to comply or influence an employee on opting out of Auto Enrolment will lead to heavy fines.

If employers do nothing and ignore the staging in date a £400.00 fine will be issued and for companies with employees between,-

  • 1 - 4 an additional £50.00 daily rate fine for every day over the staging in date
  • 5 - 49 £500.00 daily rate of fine over the staging date
  • 50 - 249 £2,500 daily rate of fine over the staging date
  • 250 – 499 £5,000 daily rate of fine over the staging date

Call 0800 634 4846 to arrange your initial consultation