0800 634 4846

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Auto Enrolment

Work place pensions

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this affects YOU


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Your pension review

Make sure you review your pension regularly

Your pension is a long term investment and many changes may occur over that time. You need to be sure your pension fits any changes to your circumstances and that is achieved through regularly reviewing your pension.

Is your pension on target

What you expect to receive by way of income from your pension needs to be reviewed. You may find your pension investments are performing well and your pension pot growth is on target to provide the income you are expecting. However, you may find your pension funds are not performing as well as expected and advice is needed. We can provide this much needed advice.

Regularly reviewing your pension will help to ensure we can highlight any under-performance which can be tackled with sufficient time to recover before you retire.

Change in your circumstance

Although some changes in circumstance are unexpected and unavoidable some can be planned for. We can help you plan for such circumstance changes and help to ensure you get the best from from your pension investments.

Review your risk profile

It is not unusual for your risk profile to change over time. Part of our pension review service is to check your pension investments are still a good fit for your risk profile. Moreover, as you near retirement we will ensure your pension fund investments are suitable.